Monday, January 31, 2011

Week 5 Day 1

Well, I did it! I got up early with my roommate at 5:30 and made it to the workout room early! I got in my work out. I ran three intervals of 5 minutes each with 3 minutes of walking in between. The running was at 5.2 mph & the walking was at 3.7 mph. One of the other conference participants came to work out as well and we found out that we have mutual friends in Alaska. What a small world!

I listened to two sermon podcasts on Christmas. I really learn so much from other pastors and enjoy listening with a spiritual ear.

It's been a long day with lots of learning and walking! I met a lot of great pastors today and had my mind opened to more social justice issues. What a gift to be here!

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Anticipating Week 5 Day 1

I made it to the place I am staying and my roommate, whom I just met, is amazing! She said she wants to work out in the morning too! So we made a plan to wake up and work out at 5:30 am!!! I know that I said before evenings have been working well for me. Tomorrow begins at 7:30 am!! When one travels, one often has to be flexible. Getting up at 5:30 tomorrow morning is really going to be flexible!!!

On that note...I am going to try to get some sleep! Tomorrow is three intervals of 5 minutes of running with 3 minutes of walking in between. Should be good!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Week 4 Day 3 - Day After

Yesterday was a busy day. Friday is often the day I take as Sabbath, but it seems that Saturday is my sabbath this week. I am traveling all day for a continuing education opportunity and excited for an opportunity to meet other young clergy in the United Methodist Connection. Left Nome last night and have made it through two out of three legs of the journey. Lots of time for reflection while flying....

I did manage to get a workout in yesterday afternoon. I ran my first three minute interval at 5.4 mph and then down to 5.3 mph. Maybe I'll get to 5.4 mph in a future workout. I still walked at 3.7 mph. I was one of two people in the workout room when I finally made it there in the afternoon.

I did listen to a sermon podcast as I did my workout. The sermon talked about serving others - that we are created and called as children of God to love God and love neighbor - to serve God and to serve neighbor. Often in serving others, we gain insights into God and the kindom of God. I may get more into this as I continue to write my ordination papers, but for this blog I will share that I have learned that God has a lot of patience and compassion for all of us. Sometimes others need our patience and compassion and need a safe haven from a world that seems to beat them up at what seems like every turn. We never know the difference God might make in their lives through us - God's hands and feet in the world. Sometimes God calls us into situations that we do not expect. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit we can accept those opportunities to help others and learn about how God is always ready to help us when we need it the most. I must say that I am constantly amazed at how much patience and compassion my husband shows toward others - always willing to do what he can to help. I thank God every day for such a great partner and how I grow to appreciate David just a little more each day. I am certainly blessed more than I can see sometimes. It's quite humbling actually.

Thank you for traveling this journey with me. This journey continues as we approach Week 5...

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Week 4 Day 2

Today I realized that I am in my second trimester of training. I feel a sense of accomplishment. Today I jogged at 5.3 mph & walked at 3.7 mph. I felt like I was on Kairos Time (aka God's time) tonight.

I got to the Rec Center with just enough time for my work out. I enjoyed singing and visiting with the Inupiaq Methodist Choir. We sang many of our translated songs in preparation for 5 opportunities to sing in the month of February. Exercising the lungs while singing, exercising the spirit while singing and praying, and exercising the smile muscles while chatting with a three year old. Then exercising the whole body while listening to a sermon podcast on following God's will for our lives. Loving God, Loving Neighbor - striving to serve others with their best interest at heart. Luke 10:27 says, "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind' and 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" As we love others, we are loving them in Christ's name - we are striving to love them as God would love them. We may not always do it perfectly, but that does not mean that we should not keep trying. Life is a journey and a journey with God is one filled with grace.

May your journey be filled with God's grace. And the journey continues...

Monday, January 24, 2011

Week 4 Day 1

Another great and amazing workout! First of all, I entered the gym and saw a "fellow Rotarian" who is on this journey with me. I was happy and because he was there working hard, I knew I could too. I really did not think that I could run for 5 minutes straight without giving up at some point!! Wow! Mind over matter, I guess. My left hip has not been hurting as I run which is a relief, so I really did not have any excuse to stop unless I mentally talked myself out of it. Lately, other part of my body have been a little sore. It felt so great to run an interval of 3 minutes, walk for 1.5 minutes, run for 5 minutes, walk for 2.5 minutes, run for 3 minutes, walk for 1.5 minutes, run for 5 minutes, walk for 2.5, then cool down!! This was all after a brisk walk of 5 minutes. I was running at 5.2 mph and walking at 3.7 mph. I did not feel like this was too much, but just right. We'll see what Wednesday night brings as far as speed.

I have decided for the next two weeks to train on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I will be traveling beginning Friday night and then nearly all day Saturday to attend a continuing education and young clergy opportunity. I will be back home on the following Thursday night. So basically, I am going to be on a series of airplanes the days I normally do my training. The hotel where I will be staying advertises that they have a fitness center, so I am thrilled about that!

Tonight I listened to one of our United Methodist Bishops on two separate podcasts. The first podcast was more his editorial on equitable compensation of clergy within the UMC and the second was a sermon on the Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan. Both of these are stories I need to hear once in a while to reflect where I have been recently in those stories - although, it's much easier to cast others in your life in those roles than it is to admit that sometimes we (I) may be the older brother in the parable of the prodigal son or one of the religious leaders that just passed by someone who needed our (my) help. Those stories sure help us to put things into perspective whether we like it or not. May we all strive to be like the prodigal's father, full of grace as he welcomed his younger son home after the hurt he caused. May we all strive to be like the Good Samaritan, breaking down the barriers of race and prejudice to do the right thing. May we all strive to be more like Christ, and receive God's grace and mercy when we just don't quite get there.

The journey continues...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Week 3 Day 3

I am now a third of the way done on the training journey to 5k. I have noticed that my hip hurts less than it did a couple weeks ago. Praise God for that! I did jog 5.1 mph and walked 3.7 mph.

The sermon I listened to while jogging/walking was about the need for Sabbath. I feel like running is like a mini-Sabbath. I look forward to it and it rejuvenates me. The preacher, knowing that his audience is full of super-busy people, encouraged us to critically discern one activity we can take out of our life so that we can slow down, enjoy life more, and lead a life more focused on God. I am wondering what that might be for me. It will not be running or listening to sermons. These two things have sustained me during this exceptionally busy time. Only time will tell.

The journey continues....

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Week 3 Day 2 - Part 2

This is me after my week 3 day 2 work out. If you look closely, I wore a United Methodist t-shirt last week and wore a different United Methodist t-shirt this week. This one was from General Conference 2008. Last week's was Rethink Church. What shirt will I wear next week?? The journey continues....

Week 3 Day 2

Tonight was another great work out. It was not crowded at all at the rec center. David was there with me exercising again! His parents would be so proud! The guy from the other night with the cassette player was there again. Tonight he moved closer to the 21st Century with his discman. Fun times and fun building of community.

Speed-wise I stayed at 5.0 mph jogging and 3.5 mph brisk walking. We will see what Saturday brings. I felt good running and again a sense of accomplishment when I jogged for three minutes straight in two different intervals. Endurance is building.

Tonight I listened to another sermon podcast on prayer. I felt encouraged to pray prayers of thanksgiving. I am thankful for legs to run, a husband who came to exercise with me, someone to laugh with at the gym about technology, dogs who welcomed me when I got home and for God who loves me unconditionally. Many more prayers of thanksgiving to come.

The journey continues...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Week 3 Day 1

I just got back from training - Week 3 Day 1. I have to admit that a tiny bit of me secretly wanted to stay home. I did decide to go and David went with me!!! Phew! What a guy! He was working out on an elliptical machine down the row from me as I did my workout. He asked the guy next to him if the cassette player he brought belonged in the Smithsonian and all of a sudden there was much light bantering around the workout room. Many of us agreed that the cassette player was from the 80's and maybe did belong in the Smithsonian! All in good fun!

I did enjoy my jog/walk this evening. At first I was overly ambitious and started jogging at 5.2 mph. Then I realized that I would burn myself out quickly. I dropped to 5.0 mph thinking that Thursday I would try 5.1 mph and then 5.2 mph on Saturday. We'll see how that rhythm works - Tuesdays 5.0; Thursdays 5.1; Saturday 5.2. I feel good and was pleased to be able to jog for more than 90 seconds - 3 minutes in fact! I am excited that my endurance is increasing. I am continuing to enjoy the journey toward 5k. I am really glad I did not stay home tonight!!

Also, I listened to another sermon podcast on prayer. The challenge in this sermon was to be intentional about prayer and not to pray 2 second text message-type prayers. May we all be intentional in our prayer lives!! It's all part of the journey!

The journey continues....

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Week 2 Day 3 - Day After

I am happy for a couple days of rest before beginning Week 3. Last night I was wearing some of my shoes that I cannot exercise in because they just do not give me the support I need around the ankle. I call them my "look good" shoes because they are cute and look good with jeans which is what I mostly wear. They are like tennis shoes, but billed more as hiking shoes. Yeah right! When I bought them a few months ago I expected to be able to hike in them or at least walk in them. Anyway, I know not to wear them to jog or walk briskly. What I did not expect was that they caused my ankle to hurt when I wore them several hours after my workout. Consequently, I was limping as I wore them and even for a few hours after I took them off. Because I spent more money on my "look good" shoes than I would normally spend on a pair of shoes, I am reluctant to give them away. I want to get my money's worth out of them. On the other hand, I cannot live my life in pain especially when I am trying to get healthier and build up my endurance to run a 5k. The soreness of exercising is one thing. Pain for the sake of stylishness is another. I hope someone else will be able to wear the shoes comfortably that have given me so much pain. I am, however, grateful for the actually running shoes that my sister-in-law helped me pick out. Thank you, Rachel!! Thank you for your wisdom and for your inspiration!!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Week 2 Day 3

I just got back from my Week 2 Day 3 workout on a treadmill at our local recreation center. Since I began, my brisk walk and walking throughout the workouts has been at 3.5 miles per hour. Today, I did my brisk walk and walking throughout at 3.7 miles per hour. I felt I needed to increase my speed. When it came to running the first week, I was running at 5.0 miles per hour. On Tuesday and Thursday of this week, I was running at 5.1 miles per hour. Today I ran at 5.2 miles per hour. Just increasing my speed a little at a time feels rewarding. I feel sufficiently challenged at this point. Next week after a 5 minute brisk walk, I will be jogging 90 seconds then walking 90 seconds then jogging 3 minutes then walking 3 minutes. I will do this for 2 repetitions. I will cool down enough to make it a 30 minute total work-out. I am curious to see how this will go.

Today I listened to a sermon podcast on prayer and was reminded that our prayers do have great impact and that the Lord's Prayer is a model for how we should pray (see Matthew 6:9-13 and Luke 11:2-4). God hears our prayers. Though God may not always answer them as we would like, God's wisdom is greater than our own and eventually we may see the bigger picture of what God is trying to accomplish. Prayer makes our relationship with God stronger and allows us to be at peace with whatever may unfold.

Several months ago we began Sunday Morning Prayer each Sunday at 10:00 am. Sometimes there are two of us and sometimes there are 5 or 6 of us. We pray for ourselves and those closest to us. We pray for our community and our world. We pray for the Church in all places. We pray for our local church. We pray for those who come through the doors of the church that day, including the preacher and the liturgist. We pray requests that do not fit into any category at all. Through the prayer time, God is near and listens. Through the prayer time, we are growing closer together as the Body of Christ as we pray. Through the prayer time, we are growing closer to God.

Through this journey of jogging/walking, I feel that God is near, urging me 0n this journey to better health. I sense this journey leading me to a more disciplined life. I had a few tough episodes in my life this week that I felt I was able to handle with grace (mostly) because of the increased discipline in my life. The discipline has allowed me to have a sense of grace and peace I did not expect. I know that this next week is going to be a busy one and glad to be journeying with God through it all.

May you find a sense of grace and peace with God as you journey. May we continue on this journey together....

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Week 2 Day 2

Tonight I trained for the 5th day on the journey to 5k - Week 2, Day 2. I got there a little before 9:00 pm and just about every treadmill was in use. It's always nice to see familiar faces and to be part of a "regular" crowd of people who work out at the Rec Center in the evenings. Tonight I listened to a sermon on stretching ourselves and being open to God's will for us and God's plan in general. Often when things get tough we may think, "Has God really called me to be here in this time and in this place to do this task?" Moses may have felt that way with leading the Israelites. I'll tuck this lesson in the back of my mind when the training gets tough (or when other things in life get tough). I really enjoy the physical and spiritual aspects of my life coming together. Good time to listen and reflect while jogging/walking.

Tonight I also joined a program through the local diabetes prevention office. The program is called "10 in 10" and it is a challenge to lose 1-2 pounds per week for the next 10 weeks. My goal is to lose 10 pounds. We weigh in each week and receive education at meetings following. There were nearly 50 people there tonight. David is doing this challenge with me, as are a few people from our church and a few Rotarians. How affirming that so many people in Nome are making the commitment to better health!

Additionally, through my health insurance I have joined Virgin Health Miles. They are challenging us to get in at least 7,000 steps in the next 11 out of 14 days. If we accomplish this, we get 200 extra points. The more points we get the more levels we travel through. The more levels, the more cash we win. So far in the first two days I have met that goal. Nine more days to go!

There are many reasons to get into shape and make the workouts worth it. I actually look forward to working out. I am so grateful that the Rec Center is open until 10:00 pm and that I can end my day with my physical/spiritual workout instead of beginning my day with it. Blogging at the end of the day just helps me to reflect further. For all this, I am grateful. Thank you for journeying with me!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Week 2 Day 1 - Part 2

Here is the photo David took of me last night after my workout and a little time on the couch. Can't completely neglect the couch! ;-)

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Week 2 Day 1

Here we are at Week 2 Day 1 of training for a 5k. The routine this week has added 30 seconds more running and 30 seconds more walking per cycle. This means that after a brisk 5 minute warm-up walk, I am jogging for 90 seconds followed by 2 minutes of walking. I repeat the jog/walk cycle 6 times in 21 minutes. Then I cool down for 4 minutes. I enjoy the challenge and structure the training offers. Looking forward to the other two days this week to workout - Thursday and Saturday. My left hip hurts a little bit, but I am sure it will get better with time. Thank goodness for the day or two of rest between workouts. The shoes my sister-in-law helped me pick out are comfortable. I feel that they offer me good support around the ankles. Tonight I also had the nerve to have David take my picture to post. Periodically I hope to post photos. For those of you on this journey as well, thank you for inspiring me!! I will post the photo as soon as I get it from David.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Week 1 Day 3

Just got back from a work out on the journey toward running a 5k. I feel great!! Listened to podcasts as well on the topics of goodness and faithfulness - two fruits of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22-23. Hoping to remain faithful on this journey. It is a real test of commitment, though I look forward to the work outs. Maybe it's because I go at night and in the afternoon. Mornings may have been one of my hurdles.

The journey to 5k continues...

Friday, January 7, 2011

Day After Week 1 Day 2

I am not as sore as I expected that I would be today. I have kept moving doing laundry and trying to tidy up a bit. I feel like my life is getting more into balance. Perhaps taking up running is helping me to get centered - centered physically and centered spiritually - important ways to be centered that affect the other aspects of one's life. Now it's time to take my incredible husband out for dinner because he is so amazing. I am thankful to God for bringing him into my life.

Journey Toward 5k

Again, it's been a while since I have blogged. I keep reading lots of amazing blogs from family and friends. I am watching cousins and children of friends grow up through photos and blogging. It's time for me to share about a new journey on which I am embarking...a journey of preparing to run a 5k sometime in 2011!!!

In May 2006, I was the heaviest I have ever been in my life and was not exactly feeling good about myself. I was enjoying the life of eating out and overeating carbs when I got stressed out over papers and tests. I was in my second semester of seminary and had been dating David (now my husband) for six months. As I look back, I met the man of my dreams when I was at my heaviest and he was still attracted to me. I had always told myself that no one could possibly love me until I weighed the ideal weight for my height.

On May 5, 2006, I joined Weight Watchers and weighed in for the first time. David had been on the Weight Watchers Program before and said he would join again if I wanted to join. While I was not happy with my weight, I knew that this was the beginning of a journey toward better health. Over the next fifteen months, I lost almost 40 pounds on WW. It was not always easy, but I had some great women who got up with me at 5:30 am three mornings a week and we walked briskly around the sidewalk track on the campus of Saint Paul School of Theology. I had another friend who walked with me a couple other days in the week. I felt a sense of freedom as the pounds came off. I felt better about myself.

I kept loosing some after I got married, but I let the stress of my last year of seminary get to me and I cared less and less about staying on WW Program. By the time I moved back to Alaska I had gained back all but 17 pounds. Over the next two years I lost 10 pounds and then gained it back and then a little bit more. I was not liking how my clothes were fitting me. I was no longer feeling good or the freedom I enjoyed.

Finally at the end of August 2010, I was ready to get back on Weight Watchers online and really loose some weight. I would like to get pregnant at some point in the near future and could not imagine being any heavier. Fortunately David was ready to be in WW program again too. It really makes a difference to have your partner on a similar journey. I went to the local diabetes prevention department at the hospital and joined their "Step-by-Step" program. I bit the bullet and weighed in. They agreed to weigh David and me each week, because that accountability is what helped us to be successful in the past. I have lost about 17 pounds over the last four months. I have been feeling the same sense of freedom that I have felt in the past when I have lost weight. I am enjoying this journey despite the holiday yo-yo.

At Thanksgiving, I found out that my sister-in-law will be running the Boston Marathon in 2011. I want to be there for her as she finishes. Before I found out about her challenge, I had been thinking that one of my short-term goals is to do the running leg in our local triathlon. To accomplish that goal, my even shorter term goal is to run a 5k. I just began this week training using the couch-to-5k program as outlined online. I got inspired the other night when I looked online for touristy things to do in Boston, should I actually go to watch my sister-in-law finish the Boston Marathon. I noticed that one of the touristy options was to do a tour while running a 5k. I thought, "What an amazing way to see a city I have not been to in 19 years!!" So here I am training. I have since found out that there will be a 5k in Nome at the end of August this year. There are many reasons to train for this 5k. The greatest for me is the sense of accomplishment and to continue my journey to better health. I have been overweight most of my life and really want to be a much healthier weight.

This first week, I have been running on a treadmill at the local recreation center in the evenings. Did Day 1 on Tuesday and Day 2 tonight. Day 3 is Saturday. Five minute brisk walking warm up followed by 20 minutes of jogging 60 seconds & walking 90 seconds. I cool down for another 5 minutes. It feels good so far. As I have been doing my workouts, I have been listening to sermon podcasts. Both my body and my spirit are getting challenged!! Worship & exercise together!! What an awesome combo! God is there on the journey too!

Join me on this journey...