Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Calm in the Middle of Busy-ness

Today is Sunday and I have turned in all of my assignments for the semester. Now I just have a couple of presentations this week and I am done! I am now at the end of my seminary career and am trying to tie up all of the loose ends. I am excited to see my family as they begin to arrive on Thursday for David's and my graduation. It will be a day of rejoicing that will go very fast, I am sure. Transitioning from one stage to another is easy sometimes, but other times, it is a little more difficult. Saint Paul has been a place of transition for me. It is here where I met and married my husband. It is here where I found my voice. It is here where I have developed many deep friendships that will last a lifetime. I am grateful to be part of such a connectional church as the United Methodist Church. There are always opportunities to see one another over the years - the International Clergywomen's Consultation, General Conference, Annual Conference, Ordination Activities, Intinating. These opportunities for me are glimpses of the full Kingdom of God. These are times of worship, reunion, prayer, laughter, and love. Oh the joy!

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