Saturday, January 22, 2011

Week 3 Day 3

I am now a third of the way done on the training journey to 5k. I have noticed that my hip hurts less than it did a couple weeks ago. Praise God for that! I did jog 5.1 mph and walked 3.7 mph.

The sermon I listened to while jogging/walking was about the need for Sabbath. I feel like running is like a mini-Sabbath. I look forward to it and it rejuvenates me. The preacher, knowing that his audience is full of super-busy people, encouraged us to critically discern one activity we can take out of our life so that we can slow down, enjoy life more, and lead a life more focused on God. I am wondering what that might be for me. It will not be running or listening to sermons. These two things have sustained me during this exceptionally busy time. Only time will tell.

The journey continues....


Monique said...

Interestingly enough, last week I just picked up a book on keeping the Sabbath.

Julie said...

Which book is it, Sis? I would love to read it or at least skim it! :-) My prayers are with you as you read.