Thursday, January 13, 2011

Week 2 Day 2

Tonight I trained for the 5th day on the journey to 5k - Week 2, Day 2. I got there a little before 9:00 pm and just about every treadmill was in use. It's always nice to see familiar faces and to be part of a "regular" crowd of people who work out at the Rec Center in the evenings. Tonight I listened to a sermon on stretching ourselves and being open to God's will for us and God's plan in general. Often when things get tough we may think, "Has God really called me to be here in this time and in this place to do this task?" Moses may have felt that way with leading the Israelites. I'll tuck this lesson in the back of my mind when the training gets tough (or when other things in life get tough). I really enjoy the physical and spiritual aspects of my life coming together. Good time to listen and reflect while jogging/walking.

Tonight I also joined a program through the local diabetes prevention office. The program is called "10 in 10" and it is a challenge to lose 1-2 pounds per week for the next 10 weeks. My goal is to lose 10 pounds. We weigh in each week and receive education at meetings following. There were nearly 50 people there tonight. David is doing this challenge with me, as are a few people from our church and a few Rotarians. How affirming that so many people in Nome are making the commitment to better health!

Additionally, through my health insurance I have joined Virgin Health Miles. They are challenging us to get in at least 7,000 steps in the next 11 out of 14 days. If we accomplish this, we get 200 extra points. The more points we get the more levels we travel through. The more levels, the more cash we win. So far in the first two days I have met that goal. Nine more days to go!

There are many reasons to get into shape and make the workouts worth it. I actually look forward to working out. I am so grateful that the Rec Center is open until 10:00 pm and that I can end my day with my physical/spiritual workout instead of beginning my day with it. Blogging at the end of the day just helps me to reflect further. For all this, I am grateful. Thank you for journeying with me!

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