Monday, January 24, 2011

Week 4 Day 1

Another great and amazing workout! First of all, I entered the gym and saw a "fellow Rotarian" who is on this journey with me. I was happy and because he was there working hard, I knew I could too. I really did not think that I could run for 5 minutes straight without giving up at some point!! Wow! Mind over matter, I guess. My left hip has not been hurting as I run which is a relief, so I really did not have any excuse to stop unless I mentally talked myself out of it. Lately, other part of my body have been a little sore. It felt so great to run an interval of 3 minutes, walk for 1.5 minutes, run for 5 minutes, walk for 2.5 minutes, run for 3 minutes, walk for 1.5 minutes, run for 5 minutes, walk for 2.5, then cool down!! This was all after a brisk walk of 5 minutes. I was running at 5.2 mph and walking at 3.7 mph. I did not feel like this was too much, but just right. We'll see what Wednesday night brings as far as speed.

I have decided for the next two weeks to train on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I will be traveling beginning Friday night and then nearly all day Saturday to attend a continuing education and young clergy opportunity. I will be back home on the following Thursday night. So basically, I am going to be on a series of airplanes the days I normally do my training. The hotel where I will be staying advertises that they have a fitness center, so I am thrilled about that!

Tonight I listened to one of our United Methodist Bishops on two separate podcasts. The first podcast was more his editorial on equitable compensation of clergy within the UMC and the second was a sermon on the Prodigal Son and the Good Samaritan. Both of these are stories I need to hear once in a while to reflect where I have been recently in those stories - although, it's much easier to cast others in your life in those roles than it is to admit that sometimes we (I) may be the older brother in the parable of the prodigal son or one of the religious leaders that just passed by someone who needed our (my) help. Those stories sure help us to put things into perspective whether we like it or not. May we all strive to be like the prodigal's father, full of grace as he welcomed his younger son home after the hurt he caused. May we all strive to be like the Good Samaritan, breaking down the barriers of race and prejudice to do the right thing. May we all strive to be more like Christ, and receive God's grace and mercy when we just don't quite get there.

The journey continues...


revhipchick said...

congrats on your successes and may they continue!

which bishop? i sometimes listen to wil willomens podcasts...who else is out there?

Kim in KCK said...

And I might add that the workouts seem to be working. You look great!

Julie said...

Hi Ladies! Thanks for the encouragement! I do hope they continue as well!

Yes, I was listening to Will Willamon last night. I like to listen to a variety of preachers to hear many points of view from around the Connection.