Saturday, January 29, 2011

Week 4 Day 3 - Day After

Yesterday was a busy day. Friday is often the day I take as Sabbath, but it seems that Saturday is my sabbath this week. I am traveling all day for a continuing education opportunity and excited for an opportunity to meet other young clergy in the United Methodist Connection. Left Nome last night and have made it through two out of three legs of the journey. Lots of time for reflection while flying....

I did manage to get a workout in yesterday afternoon. I ran my first three minute interval at 5.4 mph and then down to 5.3 mph. Maybe I'll get to 5.4 mph in a future workout. I still walked at 3.7 mph. I was one of two people in the workout room when I finally made it there in the afternoon.

I did listen to a sermon podcast as I did my workout. The sermon talked about serving others - that we are created and called as children of God to love God and love neighbor - to serve God and to serve neighbor. Often in serving others, we gain insights into God and the kindom of God. I may get more into this as I continue to write my ordination papers, but for this blog I will share that I have learned that God has a lot of patience and compassion for all of us. Sometimes others need our patience and compassion and need a safe haven from a world that seems to beat them up at what seems like every turn. We never know the difference God might make in their lives through us - God's hands and feet in the world. Sometimes God calls us into situations that we do not expect. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit we can accept those opportunities to help others and learn about how God is always ready to help us when we need it the most. I must say that I am constantly amazed at how much patience and compassion my husband shows toward others - always willing to do what he can to help. I thank God every day for such a great partner and how I grow to appreciate David just a little more each day. I am certainly blessed more than I can see sometimes. It's quite humbling actually.

Thank you for traveling this journey with me. This journey continues as we approach Week 5...

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